Wimbledon Foundation Community Fund - London Borough of Culture Edition
The Wimbledon Foundation, official charity of The All England Lawn Tennis Club and The Championships, is showing its support for Wandsworth during our year as London Borough of Culture through the Wimbledon Foundation Community Fund (WFCF).
Welcome to Wandsworth and the Wimbledon Foundation will be supporting charitable projects which will benefit communities during Wandsworth’s London Borough of Culture year. The partnership consolidates our shared objectives around supporting work which improves the quality of people’s lives through culture; encouraging projects which contribute towards improved health and wellbeing, providing access to employment, skills and learning opportunities and encouraging community participation and celebration.
In celebration of Wandsworth’s year as the Mayor of London’s London Borough of Culture, the Wimbledon Foundation Community Fund will for this round only be accepting grant applications for an additional community arts theme alongside their usual four grant themes. The fund is open to organisations to apply for grants of up £10,000.
While the community arts projects can include public performances and exhibitions, they must be free to access and involve community participation in the design and delivery. Professional performances and exhibitions will not be funded through this programme. To be part of Wandsworth’s London Borough of Culture Year, funded projects must take place between 1st April 2025 and 31st March 2026.
Applications open 6 January 2025 – 24 February 2025.
Who may apply?
Groups based in Merton and Wandsworth are eligible to apply.
Eligible Legal Structures:
There must be a signed governing document in place appropriate to the legal structure which includes an asset lock (or equivalent clause), and the purpose of all funded activities must be charitable (not for profit):
- Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)
- Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) - may also be registered as a Charity or a Community Interest Company Limited by Guarantee (CICLG)
- Trust
- Unincorporated Association
- Community Benefit Societies (CBS). Ideally, the CBS will also be registered as charitable with HMRC, however, this is not essential.
The Wimbledon Foundation will only accept applications from organisations with a maximum income of £500,000 in this round.
‘Get Set, Get Active’
Please note that WFCF cannot fund sports, dance or physical activity projects. The Wimbledon Foundation supports sporting, dance and physical activity projects through its Get Set, Get Active Fund. which opens in January 2025. Please visit the Wimbledon Foundation website for details.
Projects which have physical activity as a small element of their work, such as youth groups, can apply for funding from WFCF as long as the costs applied for are not related to the delivery of the physical activity.
Welcome to Wandsworth is proud to partner with The Wimbledon Foundation.
Meet The Funder
The Wimbledon Foundation will hold a 'Meet the Funder' session on Wednesday 29th January (10-11:30am) where you can ask questions about your application. Please email foundation@aeltc.com to register for the session.
Find out more about the Wimbledon Foundation Community Fund and apply by 24 Feb 2025.