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Community Actors Call-out

Always fancied trying your hand at acting? Now's your chance!

Theatre503 and Riverside Radio have teamed up with Wandsworth Council for an exciting new project in celebration of The Mayor of London naming Wandsworth London Borough of Culture 2025.

Running from Spring 2025 through to April 2026, we're looking for non-professional, volunteer actors to make up part of our community cast in a radio serial drama with Wandsworth locals at its heart, accurately representing the lives of local people.

The project aims to capture the diversity of the borough in 2025, to highlight how culture can impact positive change in the lives of those living in Wandsworth. The narrative of the radio soap opera will link to the London Borough of Culture programme 5 key themes of Wandsworth’s London Borough of Culture year - the power of culture to connect, unite, heal, nourish and activate.

Who? This opportunity is open to anyone 14 years of age or above.

When? Recording days will take place throughout the year on Saturdays, mainly during school term times. 

Depending on the story which emerges over the course of the year, some actors may be required for more or fewer recording days depending on their character. Please note, as we endeavour to make the show as diverse and expansive as possible, we may be unable to include every actor who contacts us. 

Apply through the form below by Mon 24 Feb.

4 men fist bump

Apply to be a Community Actor

Fill in this application form by Mon 24 Feb.

View More - Apply to be a Community Actor