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The countdown is on to our first event!
The countdown is on to our first event!
two performers in an outdoor performance of the jungle book
Open for submissions

Add to the What's On Calendar

Do you have a heritage, arts or cultural event planned in Wandsworth during our London Borough of culture year? Add it to our What’s On calendar and be part of Wandsworth's London Borough of Culture programme.

We want our programme to be created with, by and for the people and the creatives of the borough - so we’ve designed a year-round events calendar that you can add to for free!

The What's On Calendar goes live on Tuesday 25 February - but you can submit your events, workshops, talks, walks and activities now!

A woman in a sequened outfit posing with her arms outstretched.

Add your event

Create a Welcome to Wandsworth account to add an event to 'My London Borough of Culture Events'. If you already have an account, please log in here.

Add your event - Add your event
A yong girl, covered in blue paint, running accross a sheet, also covered in paint, in a park.

Guidelines for submissions

We will be checking each submission carefully to make sure they follow our guidelines, which are:

  • It must take place between 1 April 2025 – 31 March 2026.
  • It must happen in the London Borough of Wandsworth.
  • It must be an arts, culture or heritage event (for example, we definitely would include a Caribbean food festival, but we probably wouldn’t include a football match or a yoga class, unless it has a clear heritage or arts element as part of the event.)

Important: Please do not add any events to the What’s On that are already registered as part of Wandsworth Arts Fringe festival. The WAF2025 programme will be added to this calendar on Wed 23 April.

Please note: We reserve the right not to publish events that are deemed inappropriate or offensive.

Three people posing outside a building. One has his arms and legs out and his head back while taking a step, another has stretched to fill the space of a square window and another is leaning against the wall, watching the others.

What's On In Wandsworth newsletter

From April, we will use the calendar listings to build our monthly ‘What’s On in Wandsworth’ email, which goes out to thousands of residents on the last Thursday of each month to showcase what’s coming up in the following month. Make sure to add your events, workshops, walks, talks and exhibitions a few weeks in advance, so your listing can be approved in time to feature in the mailing. 

Made In Wandsworth Logos and Guidelines

Once your listing has been approved by the team, you can download our Made In Wandsworth logos to add to your promotional materials. Please make sure to follow the logo guidelines included in the zip file. You do not need to send your artwork to us for approval, but please do not edit the logos in any way, and remember to leave the right amount of clear space around them.