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The countdown is on to our first event!
The countdown is on to our first event!

Atelier Arts

The London Chinese Chamber Ensemble in Concert [Music Concert Performance of Ancient and Contemporary Chinese Music]

Diversity, inclusion and safety of residential areas. General support and focus on arts as a way of living in the borough.

Atelier Arts represents the London Chinese Chamber Ensemble based in London from the Chinese repertoire of ancient and contemporary music are foregrounded in our diaspora music practice. We offer free/low cost community mental health focussed arts workshops. We perform as the London Chinese Chamber Ensemble [LCCE] based at the Camden Chinese Centre [] where we engage with public concert peformances throughout the Chinese lunar calendar cycle; tuition and engagement with specialist instruments and facets of mental health recovery via community workshops For the Wandsworth Arts Fringe Festival we hope to offer both community music focussed therapy workshops and concert performances open to the wider public.
Profile Information
Our Areas of Work
Community Engagement
Cultural Diversity
Family Friendly
Health & Wellbeing
Youth Engagement
Our Artforms
Combined Arts
Performing Arts
Visual Arts
Activities or services we offer
Workshops and Classes
Touring Artist(s)
We also focus on:
Community Engagement
Cultural Diversity
Family Friendly
Health & Wellbeing
Youth Engagement
Age ranges we support
Young People 13-17
The London Chinese Chamber Ensemble [LCCE] featuring music from ancient and contemporary China coming to the Wandsworth Arts Fringe Festival

Our hire policy

Accessible networks and transport; cleanliness and community focussed neighbourhood.