Wandsworth creatives and the local culture sector's round up of callouts, funding, training and jobs.
Aged 13-25 and thinking about a creative job? This is your one-stop shop of resources for Wandsworth’s next generation of creatives.
Find out about all the exciting programmes on offer for pupils, teachers and your school community
As London Borough of Culture 2025, we can’t wait to deliver a year to remember with residents and communities.
Culture heals - and through a series of pioneering initiatives, Wandsworth will set a new benchmark for integrating creativity into health and social care throughout the life cycle.
We are working closely with local heritage partners, charities, national museums and heritage institutions to celebrate the rich and diverse heritage of the borough and support young people into heritage careers.
Arts and culture are playing an integral role in shaping a more vibrant, inclusive and connected Wandsworth.
Welcome to a joyful year where every corner of the borough comes alive in an explosion of creativity.
Wandsworth is changing, and culture will be at the heart of developing a people-led approach to boosting health, happiness and equality of opportunity.
Our cultural programme for London Borough of Culture 2025 is being led and delivered by local people and organisations.
Find the answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the year and get in touch with us.
Get in contact with Welcome to Wandsworth